Monday, December 2, 2019


Student Success Statement
"Honesty is the best policy" -Mark Twain

This statement is true, and being honest is very important in life. When you are honest you earn trust from others, and are a CTR person. Examples of being honest include not cheating, not lying, and being loyal. I try to always be honest, because lying will not get you anywhere. The only thing you'll get from being a dishonest person is you'll loose people's trust, and be a CTW person. You have to be a honest person because lying will only harm you, like in a job if you lie like let's say on your resume and hire you because you said you were capable of doing something your not, then ask you to do it. They can fire you, and not trust you, and the word can get around and most job's will not want to hire you because you lied, or you  won't be trust in the workplace. 

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