Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving Week

For my thanksgiving break I didn't really do much, I worked on the first Saturday of the break, woke up late, watched Netflix, and go to my aunts house. I didn't really go anywhere because everyone in my family had a cold, and it was raining. I didn't meet anyone new because I didn't really go out. The movies i watched were on Disney + which were monsters university, and up. I didn't really watch or play any sports this week. Some CTR experiences I had this week helping a lady without being asked because it looked like she needed help. During my break I didn't really read any books. I also didn't have any homework which was really good, because I got to enjoy my break.
A. What you did
B. Places you went
C. People you met
D. Movies you watched
E. Sports events you played or watched
F. CTR experiences 
G. Books you read
H. Homework you did
I. Anything else

J. Include pictures

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