Friday, December 1, 2017


Student Success Statement:
"When you tell one lie it lead to another"-Paul Hatch
The statement by Paul hatch is true because once you tell a lie you can't go back and you just keep on adding to that lie. You can't take back what you already said. You may think its for your good but really its not. It doesn't bring out the best in you. Being a liar makes you a dishonest and untrustable person. It does not make you a honorable person who people can trust. We have all told some lies in our life i don't think anyone hasn't, but just because we've done it before doesn't mean we should continue to do it. An example of this 3 years ago i had this group of friends we were 5 girls 2 of them started spreading rumors abut the rest of us. They told people we know , and we found out so we confronted them about it. They were 1 spreading rumors and 2 telling people secret stuff we told them. They were being unhonest and a not very trustable person. They ended up geting introuble and alot of people stopped trusting them.Also just Because other people lie does't mean you should do it.

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