Thursday, January 16, 2020

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was one of the creators of apple who was born on February 24,1955, and did not have a very easy childhood. He was adopted by his father Jandali, and Schieble after being sent to an adoption center by his two graduate school parents that left him without a name. He was always very smart but he struggled in school because he was a trouble maker, who liked to pull many pranks. He was taught how to read as a toddler so school bored him, and he never wanted to do any of his work so his teacher bribed him into doing it. He was very smart that he skipped 5th grade and went straight into 6th grade. In middle school he was bullied a lot so he had to move from there, and change into another school. Apple was first made when Jobs was 21 in his garage with his partner Wozniak. One of the first things he created was a computer called MACINTOSH that had a lot of flaws.

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