Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The three questions

The Three Questions :
1. Can people trust you to do what`s right ?
2. Am i committed to doing my very best ?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
"if the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail"-Lou Holtz
 I can answer yes to all of them except for the first one. I don`t always do whats right. Most of the time i do the right but their is times when i do the wrong. Usually when i do the wrong i end up regretting it or feeling bad about doing it. An example of this is sometimes i am told to do stuff end i get lazy and don`t do them. I usually end up getting in trouble and regret not doing it. My answer for  the second question is yes i always try to do my best. I try to do my best and work hard to accomplish my goals in life. I am committed to doing my best not only to make my family proud but also for me to be proud of myself. 

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