Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Act of kindness

                                              Student Success Statement
                ''Kindness is the essence of greatness '' - Joseph b. Wirthlin
The statement by Joseph is true. Doing a simple act of kindness will make you feel proud of yourself. It wont just make you proud for a day but for a while. You will be glad you did it. Being kind is not only going to make you feel good but its also gonna get you a good name. People are going to remember you as a great person. An example of an act of kindness is a while ago me and my family saw this homeless man outside in the alley and my grandpa saw him eating dog food. My grandpa asked him why he was eating dog food and he replied that it was the only thing he could afford , so him and my uncle went to a food place brought him food and gave it to him , with some cash. It made them feel proud and happy that they did it because now he can buy food for himself. This shows how great people they are , and that they have a good heart.

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