Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Student Success Statement

"Right is right, and wrong is wrong matter the circumstance" - Yong-In S. Shin

I agree with this quote by Yong-In Shin. The reason i agree with this quote is because doing the wrong will in fact always be wrong no matter what it is that it might be. No matter what you should always choose to do the right thing, don't do it for the reward do it because you know it is the right thing to do. An example of doing the right thing is the football players who went into the store. They entered the store not knowing it was closed because of the lock malfunction. They were in a store where they can just do whatever they want because no one was there, no employee, but instead they just got the stuff they needed. They didn't see any worker around so they did some mental math and left the money on the counter. They were notexpecting a wrong or anythign because they were just doing what was right, but the owner saw the videos and wanted to reward them. Always do the right thing no matter what, because it is the right thing to do.

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