Friday, September 27, 2019

Student Success Statement

"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse" - Pathros
Patriarch of Antioch & All the East , 1846-'94

I agree with this quote, it's true wealth isn't always about money, it really about who you are, and about your heart. When you think of wealth the first thing that pops into your head is money, cars, and a big house. But that's not what wealth is all about, it's about how you are in the inside. It's about you being kind hearted, and treating others well. An example of this is from the video we watched today, a man quit his job at the age of 36, to go to med school. He did all of this just to be able to help in need not even for the money. He doesn't even get a salary, because he doesn't charge people, he lives off of donations. We should all be kind hearted and help people in need, and not just worry about money all our life.

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