Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9/11 Attacks

In September 11,2001 18 years ago at 8:45 almost 3,000 people were killed. Two planes were flown into the twin towers. The first plane hit the north tower, and while the firefighters were trying to help people out of the building 17 minutes later a second plane came along and hit the south tower causing even more destruction. After the two planes hit the twin towers a third plane came along, and hit the pentagon at 9:37am. A couple minutes had passed after the plans had crashed into the Twin towers that they ended up collapsing about 30 minutes later. The south tower was the first to collapse at 9:59 and was burning for almost an hour. The attack was caused by 19 terrorists who all die, 400 police officers and firefighters died trying to save all those innocent people. Some people knew they wouldn't be saved because their was to many people in the building so they gave up and jumped out the window. The after mass wasn't any better many people were suffering from illness caused by all the dust they inhaled. Now they have a memorial where people can go visit, it's a deep pool and on the sides it has the names of the people who lost their lives in both the towers, and the pentagon.
Reflection: This was such a horrible act where so many good people died. It was such a scary moment for those that had to go through it. We lost so many amazing people. This really makes you realize that you never know when something is going to happen, and that you should really appreciate that you are here today safe. This honestly makes me really sad to think about how there is bad people in this world who just wanna see bad things happen. This is such a horrible and sad thing that happened. I do not wish anything like this on anyone, may all those innocent people rest in peace.

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