Friday, January 19, 2018

Wrong Is Never Right

        Student Success Statement
"Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT"
- Russell M. Nelson
Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean you should too. It's like the saying if your friend jumps off a cliff you will too? An example of this is cheating if you see someone cheating you shouldn't cheat just because you saw them.Once you cheat you will most likely do it over and over again. Think o it sort of like an addiction you feel like its easier to do so you do it. Instead of learning the information it's easier for you to cheat and you never actually learn something. You may want to do something that's wrong just because everyone is  doing it but you shouldn't. You will most likely thank yourself in the  future and be glad you didn't do such a thing. Another example of this is using drugs just because you see other people doing it or your friends doesn't mean you should do it also just to "fit in". Before you do something just think about it twice before you actually do it.

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