Wednesday, January 17, 2018


                          Student Success Statement 
"You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by being right" -Thomas S. Monson
The meaning of this statement is when your're doing the right thing you can never do something wrong.If you're doing something wrong like lieing you can never say it was the right thing to do. When you are choosing to do something you know you're not suppose to you can never be wrong about it. It was probably for the best. when you do something wrong knowing its not something you should do there is no justification of it being the right thing to do. an example of this is when you lie thinking its the right thing to do to protect someone is not you actually choosing to do the right thing. It never the right thing to do when you lie. It's actually the opposite no matter the situation. Theres many situation where you feel like you're doing the right but in reality it's not the right thing, You should always think before you do. It will help you become a better person.

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